Summer School: “People in the Digital Age” (Digital Prosopography)


  • Jupyter notebook:

Clone the GitLab

import os
from getpass import getpass
import urllib

user = input('User name: ')
password = getpass('Password: ')
password = urllib.parse.quote(password)

cmd_string = 'git clone https://{0}:{1}'.format(user, password)

cmd_string, password = "", ""
User name:  YourName
Password:  ········

Importing Packages

import os
import sys
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 15.0)

import gensim
from gensim import corpora
from gensim.corpora import WikiCorpus
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from gensim.models.word2vec import LineSentence
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

import networkx as nx

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.cluster import AffinityPropagation, DBSCAN, AgglomerativeClustering, MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from ipywidgets import IntProgress
from IPython.display import display

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

some tools/libraries

  • Gensim: A free Python library to build Language Models.

  • NetworkX: A Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Digital Humanities

  • Word embeddings

Word embeddings is one of the many ways to representing textual documents. It is capable of capturing the context in which words appear, given a corpus.

What are word embeddings exactly? Loosely speaking, they are vector representations of a particular word.

First, let’s see the most traditional way to represent word as vectors: a technique called “Bag of Words”:

Let’s suppose we have three documents:

  • Document 1 - “I am feeling very happy today”

  • Document 2 - “I am not well today”

  • Document 3 - “I wish I could go to play”

The first step would to create a vocabulary using all unique words from all documents (the vocabulary).

For this small corpus, it would be: [I, am, feeling, very, happy, today, not, well, wish, could, go, to, play]

Then, for each word the frequency of the word in the corresponding document is inserted

Vector representation of documents

We could plot all words as vectors in a n-dimensional space (n is the size of our vocabulary). Every document (sentence) would be represented by the sum of its individual word vectors.

Vector space

But if the vocabulary is huge, it may lead to very sparse vectors (mainly composed by zeros).

Word Embeddings is an efficient and effective way of representing words as vectors. The whole body of the text is encapsulated in some space of much lower dimension. Instead of being individual vectors, all words are represented by a linear combination of a smaller set of vectors (usually around 200-300) and it is possible to explicitly define their relationship with each other. This is done using a neural network architecture like these:

Word2vec CBOW and Skip-gram architectures

The vector space is abstract, but we could think of an analogy like this:

Analogy on the word vector components

The resulting vector space can be illustrated by the following figure, that depicts how this space is able to capture relationships:

Geometrical relationships of embedded words

If we have corpora that spans different historical periods, we can analyse the evolution of the meaning of words:

Semantic change through time

Now let’s see it in practice!

Let’s download the German model:

[ ]:
! wget -P ./data/

Run the next cell: you should see a file aproximately this size: 738037646

! ls -l ./data/german.model
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rsouza rsouza 738037646 jun 18  2018 ./data/german.model

Using German Word2vec trained on the German Wikipedia and German news articles - 15.5.2015

# get trained model, files without a suffix, .bin or .model are treated as binary files
trained_model = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('./data/german.model', binary=True)
# remove original vectors to free up memory

Checking the words that are present in the model:

Change the word, as you like

word = "Fruehstueck"
[k for k,w in trained_model.vocab.items() if k.startswith(word)][0:20]

Examining the vector representation of a word

word = "Wien"
array([ 0.0238339 ,  0.04943422,  0.0424271 ,  0.0229144 , -0.00698469,
       -0.00395486,  0.0729572 ,  0.03326682, -0.05274953, -0.05048699,
       -0.01097974,  0.01941785, -0.00286674,  0.05530975, -0.01717546,
        0.00087026, -0.03554425,  0.08173548,  0.16878459,  0.05061062,
       -0.0181843 , -0.04035862,  0.06884448, -0.03644295, -0.01597526,
       -0.01427664, -0.03724374, -0.07765247, -0.04940229,  0.08755711,
        0.0406867 ,  0.10670323,  0.00047026, -0.08471008,  0.08366133,
       -0.02376188,  0.00558794,  0.01392431,  0.00027164,  0.02758369,
       -0.06885621, -0.09902706,  0.03808893,  0.04066271, -0.03511016,
        0.00529123,  0.00842345,  0.08330758,  0.07514405,  0.0469595 ,
        0.03891004,  0.02661347, -0.06389445, -0.13004696, -0.01151704,
        0.04386351, -0.10433266, -0.04676365, -0.09454329, -0.01589428,
        0.06392791, -0.13852148,  0.10145868,  0.04462037,  0.02761784,
        0.03245379,  0.03132826, -0.00032424, -0.04573069,  0.00376301,
       -0.03783711,  0.05745342, -0.00545467,  0.10306486,  0.08046119,
       -0.01117319,  0.07071265, -0.01459174, -0.03979302, -0.05731346,
       -0.0934009 ,  0.00143596,  0.04024531, -0.06594911,  0.01442153,
       -0.02157819,  0.00861198, -0.03360666, -0.00217473, -0.05325684,
       -0.06063867,  0.05235587, -0.07148876,  0.14030436,  0.08084998,
        0.05225494,  0.02232727, -0.0375154 , -0.05153104,  0.04204175,
        0.06927375, -0.0213337 , -0.0359464 , -0.0986684 , -0.10689045,
        0.0422255 , -0.04803819, -0.03605939,  0.0329151 ,  0.07575817,
        0.05432944, -0.01006523, -0.0031073 , -0.01198116, -0.00700702,
       -0.04663587, -0.06598163, -0.02608355,  0.03399949,  0.08767203,
       -0.07043833,  0.05742546,  0.02844732, -0.0641215 ,  0.03557531,
       -0.00807026, -0.01884014, -0.00610054,  0.10268665, -0.08756135,
        0.03461902,  0.01096097,  0.01700337,  0.02436678, -0.07595782,
        0.09562863,  0.02614196, -0.01443401, -0.01836962,  0.04879408,
       -0.03684777, -0.0711819 , -0.03422985, -0.07293234, -0.06803517,
       -0.01470779,  0.02610919,  0.03275155,  0.0098528 ,  0.04751247,
       -0.02650394, -0.04922485,  0.0966305 ,  0.06181309, -0.07539852,
        0.03954438,  0.06627589,  0.0742739 ,  0.01676205,  0.09427383,
        0.10264442,  0.010852  ,  0.01417513, -0.01856818, -0.02165503,
       -0.0018881 , -0.01918374,  0.03137087, -0.0257187 ,  0.04286152,
       -0.0495176 ,  0.01291669, -0.02210455,  0.04033438, -0.07039625,
       -0.01298227, -0.03088601, -0.0148988 ,  0.0213136 , -0.00308892,
       -0.03916396,  0.00842758, -0.07342014,  0.05616776, -0.0369697 ,
       -0.01181048,  0.06073389, -0.01649796, -0.0186084 , -0.00040346,
       -0.0586713 , -0.0343927 ,  0.01033644,  0.11091413, -0.0552993 ,
        0.01196672, -0.08076494, -0.00777858,  0.04654175,  0.04052089,
        0.03798108, -0.02726053, -0.10897127,  0.09802596, -0.02641043,
        0.04788393, -0.0549567 , -0.01355664, -0.10841926,  0.06741678,
       -0.04732709,  0.0523398 ,  0.0454935 ,  0.01515049, -0.02464675,
       -0.08356615,  0.04951958,  0.01018465,  0.04417115,  0.07852858,
        0.0225594 , -0.00074988, -0.04641408,  0.05589736, -0.1395837 ,
        0.08130305,  0.17868005,  0.01470505, -0.04527267, -0.01598396,
        0.01736509,  0.03316962, -0.09426542, -0.03690347,  0.11291514,
        0.02533004,  0.00281629, -0.05241821, -0.16159989,  0.06563755,
        0.01156138,  0.09131934, -0.05008974, -0.0002698 , -0.00804178,
        0.05430156, -0.0405793 , -0.15452953,  0.09096871,  0.00484005,
        0.08594571,  0.00039966, -0.05168523, -0.04028896, -0.01445882,
        0.03440348, -0.02790812, -0.0124769 , -0.08990064, -0.09347708,
        0.09387834, -0.03679283,  0.09682948,  0.03489142, -0.02784478,
       -0.13160774,  0.14424536,  0.00976484, -0.07370998, -0.0155739 ,
       -0.10138693,  0.00144212,  0.06416222, -0.04055014, -0.09581374,
       -0.0326473 , -0.00590264,  0.00297864,  0.0474886 ,  0.01101959,
        0.00588132,  0.05759835,  0.02765032, -0.03065836, -0.00759589,
        0.06519953, -0.03736394, -0.14547537,  0.00297634, -0.02188038,
        0.04868366,  0.02270741,  0.04986598, -0.03618561,  0.00272301,
       -0.01465227,  0.06472276, -0.03055525, -0.022267  ,  0.00160853],

There are different metrics for vector distances

print(trained_model.similarity('kopf', 'blau'))
print(trained_model.distance('kopf', 'blau'))

What are the words most similar to each word of the list?

Change the words, as you like

words = ['Werkzeug', 'blau', 'rot', 'kopf', 'Gewerbe']
series = []
for word in words:
    series.append(pd.DataFrame(trained_model.most_similar(word, topn=10),
                               columns=[f"Similar_{word}", "similarity"]))
df = pd.concat(series, axis=1)
Similar_Werkzeug similarity Similar_blau similarity Similar_rot similarity Similar_kopf similarity Similar_Gewerbe similarity
0 Werkzeuge 0.783259 rot 0.828190 gelb 0.835019 sperrangelweit_offen 0.623633 Gastronomie 0.690014
1 Schraubenzieher 0.734391 gruen 0.795948 gruen 0.829063 angewurzelt 0.593449 Handel_Handwerk 0.689797
2 Schweissgeraet 0.733918 gelb 0.783880 blau 0.828190 bombenfest 0.588438 Gewerbebetriebe 0.681497
3 Werkzeugen 0.722541 orange 0.774674 schwarz 0.782608 hinterm_Tresen 0.586510 Gewerbetreibende 0.673723
4 Akkuschrauber 0.719295 grau 0.762676 orange 0.771306 roten_Lettern 0.586199 Gewerbe_Industrie 0.673452
5 Werkzeugkoffer 0.712236 Blau 0.759318 grau 0.731490 Haende_Hosentaschen 0.584047 Kleingewerbe 0.669487
6 Stemmeisen 0.711309 schwarz 0.755070 rot_gelb 0.723444 Praesentierteller 0.579342 Handel_Gewerbe 0.668937
7 Bolzenschneider 0.701930 braun 0.744812 rote 0.722512 gluckst 0.577661 Einzelhandel 0.667275
8 Brecheisen 0.697887 tuerkis 0.736878 braun 0.721413 splitterfasernackt 0.576129 Dienstleistung 0.664609
9 Bohrmaschine 0.697744 rosa 0.733246 lila 0.719744 wackeligen_Beinen 0.574928 Dienstleistungsbetriebe 0.649108

What is the word that does not fit?

Change the words, as you like

word1, word2, word3, word4, word5 = 'blau','rot','feld','gruen','gelb'
#word1, word2, word3, word4, word5 = 'Fruehstueck', "Fenster", 'Abendessen','Mittagessen', "Soupe"
#word1, word2, word3, word4, word5 = "Vater", "Mutter", "Sohn", "Tochter", "Oma"
#word1, word2, word3, word4, word5 = "Frankreich","England","Deutschland","Berlin","Oesterreich"

print(trained_model.doesnt_match([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5]))
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/gensim/models/ FutureWarning: arrays to stack must be passed as a "sequence" type such as list or tuple. Support for non-sequence iterables such as generators is deprecated as of NumPy 1.16 and will raise an error in the future.
  vectors = vstack(self.word_vec(word, use_norm=True) for word in used_words).astype(REAL)

Let’s make some vectorial operations with words?

Change the words, as you like!

positive_vectors = ['Koenig', 'frau']
negative_vectors = ['mann']

#positive_vectors = ['frau', 'blau']
#negative_vectors = ['mann']

for result in trained_model.most_similar(positive=positive_vectors,
('Prinzen', 0.6192535161972046)
('Prinzessin', 0.6132442951202393)
('Koenigin', 0.5914254188537598)
('Prinz', 0.5866174697875977)
('Koenigin_Niederlande', 0.5534396767616272)
('Regentin', 0.542670488357544)
('Maerchenprinzen', 0.5391709804534912)
('Majestaet', 0.5391337871551514)
('Thron', 0.5360094308853149)
('Thronfolger', 0.5285029411315918)

Let’s try reducing the dimensionality of the space and see a 2D projection of the vectors…

PCA Illustration

These helper functions will reduce the dimensionality and print the 2D projections

def draw_words(model, words, pca=False, alternate=True, arrows=True, x1=3, x2=3, y1=3, y2=3, title=''):
    # get vectors for given words from model
    vectors = [model[word] for word in words]
    if pca:
        pca = PCA(n_components=2, whiten=True)
        vectors2d =
        tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
        vectors2d = tsne.fit_transform(vectors)

    # draw image
    if pca:
        plt.axis([x1, x2, y1, y2])

    first = True # color alternation to divide given groups
    for point, word in zip(vectors2d , words):
        # plot points
        plt.scatter(point[0], point[1], c='r' if first else 'g')
        # plot word annotations
            xy = (point[0], point[1]),
            xytext = (-7, -6) if first else (7, -6),
            textcoords = 'offset points',
            ha = 'right' if first else 'left',
            va = 'bottom',
            size = "x-large"
        first = not first if alternate else first

    # draw arrows
    if arrows:
        for i in range(0, len(words)-1, 2):
            a = vectors2d[i][0] + 0.04
            b = vectors2d[i][1]
            c = vectors2d[i+1][0] - 0.04
            d = vectors2d[i+1][1]
            plt.arrow(a, b, c-a, d-b,

    # draw diagram title
    if title:
wordpairs = ["Mann", "Vater",
             "Frau",  "Mutter",
             "Mutter", "Oma",
             "Vater", "Grossvater",
             "Junge", "Mann",
             "Maedchen", "Frau",

draw_words(trained_model, wordpairs, True, True, True, -2.5, 2.5, -2.5, 2.5, r'$PCA Visualisierung:')
# plot currencies
wordpairs = ["Schweiz", "Franken",
             "Deutschland", "Euro",
             "Grossbritannien", "britische_Pfund",
             "Japan", "Yen",
             "Russland", "Rubel",
             "USA", "US-Dollar",
             "Kroatien", "Kuna",
             "Oesterreich", "Euro",]

draw_words(trained_model, wordpairs, True, True, True, -2, 2, -2, 2, r'$PCA Visualisierung:')

Now it is time to build your own projection…

Change the words, as you like!

# change any pairs of words and run the cell again

wordpairs = ["klein", "kleiner",
             "gross", "grosser",
             "gross", "groessten"

draw_words(trained_model, wordpairs, True, True, True, -2.5, 2.5, -2.5, 2.5, r'$PCA Visualisierung:')

Now we are going to build a graph with similar words…

def build_neighbors(word, model, nviz=10):
    g = nx.Graph()
    g.add_node(word, color='r')
    viz1 = model.most_similar(word, topn=nviz)
    for v in viz1:
        g.add_node(v[0], color='b')
    g.add_weighted_edges_from([(word, v, w) for v,w in viz1 if w> 0.65])
    for v in viz1:
        for l in model.most_similar(v[0], topn=nviz):
            g.add_node(l[0], color='y')
        g.add_weighted_edges_from([(v[0], v2, w2) for v2,w2 in model.most_similar(v[0])])
    for v in viz1:
        g.add_node(v[0], color='b')
    g.add_node(word, color='r')
    return g

Change the word, as you like!

word = 'Oesterreich'
#word = 'Akademie'
#word = "Kant"
#word = "Rock"

G = build_neighbors(word, trained_model, 10) # number of similar words to display
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, iterations=100)

Some exercises:

  • Let’s supose you want to find out if the German Wikipedia has any gender biases using vectorial analogies. Could you think of a test?
    hint: see this paper
  • Can you train your own word2vec model from your own corpora?

Let’s use one of the corpus available in this course:

path = './summerschool2020/datasets/MPR/TEI/'
teixmlfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('xml')]
class WordTrainer(object):
    def __init__(self, dir_name):
        self.dir_name = dir_name
    def __iter__(self):
        for idx,file_name in enumerate([f for f in os.listdir(self.dir_name) if f.endswith('xml')]):
            soup = bs(open(os.path.join(self.dir_name, file_name),'r'), 'lxml').text
            words = [word.lower() for word in soup.split()]
            yield words

Next cell will train the model. It may take a while…

generator = WordTrainer(path)

# Train word2vec model with 200 dimensions, 10 words window and 5 iterations
word_vector_model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(generator, size=200, window=10, min_count=5)
# word_vector_model.wv.vocab.keys()
word = 'minist'
[k for k in word_vector_model.wv.vocab.keys() if k.startswith(word)][0:20]
words = ['ministerrates', 'ministerium', 'ministerratsprotokolle', 'ministerratsprotokolle,']
series = []
for word in words:
    series.append(pd.DataFrame(word_vector_model.wv.most_similar(word, topn=10),
                               columns=[f"Similar_{word}", "similarity"]))
df = pd.concat(series, axis=1)
Similar_ministerrates similarity Similar_ministerium similarity Similar_ministerratsprotokolle similarity Similar_ministerratsprotokolle, similarity
0 ministerrats 0.542947 ministeriums 0.698295 österreichisch-ungarischen 0.832775 1848-1866 0.940745
1 ministerrates, 0.534776 ministerio 0.619384 ( 0.775498 (teilbestand) 0.920847
2 protokolle 0.495456 armeeoberkommando, 0.549736 online 0.774431 0.875206
3 abteilung 0.489594 justizministerium 0.519481 österreichs 0.744246 ömr-prot 0.858871
4 kriegsministeriums 0.477623 reichsministerium 0.511560 monarchie 0.730170 quelle 0.807843
5 1848–1867, 0.475620 ministern 0.508819 herausgeber/in: 0.717563 kk 0.739119
6 ministerrats, 0.474603 ministers 0.507961 (mrp) 0.706194 tei-datei 0.704549
7 reichstages 0.470342 kriegsministerium 0.506486 heindl. 0.686432 ka 0.698466
8 staatsministeriums 0.470340 handelsministerium 0.505275 wissenschaftlicher 0.677123 at-oesta/hhsta 0.632534
9 handelsministers 0.465075 minister 0.487464 malfèr. 0.676343 notesstmt 0.557569
[ ]: